The element/suit of Cups is related to water & symbolize emotions. Emotions in the highest purist sense. Meaning that emotions are the bridge between thought & manifestation. It is the "spiritual" marriage of thought & feelings which will inevitably lead to physical manifestation or a positive out-picturing in your physical world.
Aces are the the power of the number one. One is the inherent power of possibility. Ones signal new beginnings, innovation & the awesome creative power in our uniqueness & also in our independence. Cups are love, feelings & emotions. The Ace of cups as a lot of happiness & joy to the scenarios.
The Ace of Cups denotes the passion, thrill & excitedness of new love - quite possibly true love. It is like the hand of God bringing you a most beautiful gift. However, it is the POSSIBILITY of all these wonderful beautiful energies coming tinot your life in the very near future. It is up (like all the cards in Tarot for we have free-will) to you to make it happen & to do the work which will create with, what at first, is the over-whelming excitment of a most joyful love; a most transformative (perhaps the most powerful) life-changing possibility into a tangible solid foundation from where this BIG BIG LOVE can be tended to, cared for & be given the chance to cultivate & blossom.
The Ace of Cups is the Power of Love & the Power of Intuition; of being very deeply & faithfully connected to your inner-being, higher-guide or to God if you like. Love is (in my humble opinion) the greatest catalyst for positive transformation that is available to us on Earth. "As above so below" and "As below so above". Human love is our chance to emulate God's unconditional love for humanity. It is through love that we may best learn, expand & grow. Love gives us the ability to have life altering experiences where we may open our hearts in the most fantastic & special way. Romantic love from the perspective of the Ace of Cups can also lead the way to Spiritual Enlightenment. It is a great blessing being bestowed upon you. What or who you desire; desires you too!