

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Empathic ability can be one of the hardest psychic abilities to control. Empathic people feel others pain, sorrow, happiness, in fact they can feel the whole spectrum of human feelings.

This makes it hard for a new empathic person to close down and not take all of these feelings into themselves. The new empath can literally be taken over by these feelings. It is a natural part of being empathic to feel these, but these feelings from others need to be controlled so that the empath can live a normal productive life.

When a person becomes empathic, if they were not born with this gift, it can be a harrowing time trying to sort through the feelings they sense to see if they are in fact coming from within themselves, or from others around them. Most new empaths will hide themselves away from situations that they know will cause them distress. They wont go to the supermarket, watch the TV, anything that visualizes suffering of others.

They will become ungrounded for a while until they learn to cope with this gift. Many will find themselves bursting into tears for no reason at things that have never caused them to cry before, rising quickly to anger when they are around others who have lost control of their tempers, impatient with people, the list is a long one. This is a normal part of becoming empathic and it can be controlled.

What an empath needs to remember is that these feelings of despair, grief, total sadness are coming not from within themselves, but from the auric field of others which they come into contact with throughout their day. This is when their own auric field comes into contact with another's. The untrained empaths aura joins or gets too close to another persons, making their feelings now the empaths. This will in turn make the empath very vulnerable and also tired because of the draining of their energy.

What is needed is for the empath to learn how to 'close down' their aura so that these feelings don't become their own, unless they are giving a reading, although then they must keep themselves distanced from the Readee otherwise it will deplete the energy of the empath. One of the easiest ways to close down is to ground, although there are affirmations to help. They need to choose one that works for them and then stick with it, not change it all of the time. Do not try to place a house around yourself for example as when this is eventually found to be ineffective in stopping the merging of auras, that would cause a loss of confidence in your ability. Ask God, Jesus or which Deity you pray to, to help you stand strong and to be at your side whilst you are 'working'.

Once the new empath has mastered this skill, they will find it a wonderful aid in their psychic abilities. It can aid with the healing art of Reiki, it can help with their readings, in so much as discerning whether the spirit is a family member and which side of the family the spirit comes from. This can all be told by the empath because they read the energy of a person or spirit. It is a very useful and powerful gift to have.

As their gift grows, they can accurately feel the feelings of others, over the internet or telephone for example. They do not need to be in physical contact with the people with who they are talking to, to understand their feelings at that time. They can automatically sense when something is going on with a family member, even though they may wear a painted on smile, an empath can tell when they are in pain or in need without them saying a word.

Once the new empath has mastered their gift, it opens a wide range of opportunities to them in their psychic pursuits. All they need to remember is; ground, cleanse, and close their auras.

From: talktoheaven msn groups