Each person must decide these things for themselves and also the power of choices and free will.
From a growth perspective, we may meet many and different types soulmates in our lifetime.
This doesn't mean we are lovers with each one, although that again is a personal choice.
The meeting and continued relationship is all about growth and the synchronicities that enable our growth on deeper & deeper levels, however, remember that there are twinflames, karmic and there are soulmates.
All are meaningful relationships and teach us to grow, but in different ways.
The quest for love and for that perfect mate is really a challenge and we may sometimes want to believe a relationship is the ultimate deep connection, often sometimes analyzing the relationship and wanting it to be something more.
There is different types of romantic relationships: twin flames (twin soul), Companion soulmates, true soulmates and karmic connection. All relate to the same group and category of the word soulmates, they are all spiritually equal, but hold something different for everyone, just because you may have someone you know may be going thru the same relationship experiences as you, doesn't mean it's the same type of spiritual connection. Karma has something different for everyone and a purpose to manifest in perfection.
Twin flames were created together in the beginning and share a unique destiny.
Twin flames are much as twins born of the same egg. This would be from the same soul source. There is not of that kind of twinning going on. This is different than soulmates. Twin flames would be of the same soul energy source and would have been decided at what you would term the creator source level or at the higher-self level, which we see as a level at which a being has the ability to create seed selves in 3rd-dimensional reality.
Similar to when twins are completely separated at birth and they find each other after many years and discover that they have the same food tastes, the same odd way of smiling and the same tastes in clothing (I'm born one a twin). With twin flames' being born of the same spirit, when they unite physically in 3rd Dimension. Your twin flame knows you whatever life you are expressed. But each with the same pattern of divine identity.
Though they spend some lifetimes together and others apart, their tie is eternal, and after they have each united with their Higher Self they will be together forever.
All though it may sound like a beautiful match made in heaven relationship, there is a thin line with this connection and deep intensity, that as beautiful and perfect a relationship can be, this can sometimes be a total opposite, spiritually when you enter in this life time you know if you want to meet with your twinflame or not and you know all your life you must prepare yourself to be able to join with your twin flame, it is not an automatic, it is truly a privilege to know your Twin Flame but you must be ready. You will have to learn to love deeper than you ever thought possible and that usually means meeting, with a twinflame connection you have to be brave and strong enough to be able to risk loving with your heart and soul that there is also a fear that dream may be shattered just as experiencing pain as well as joy.
When Twin Flames come together they become one, they are the mirror image of the other. They think alike, they hold the same values and often their life experiences are very similar.
No matter what, if we are to be with our Twin Flame then it will happen and by experiencing the loves placed before us by Spirit and if it is part of our karma. A book & movie (what dreams may come) was created based upon twinflame/twin soul connections. (this is one of my favorites) the general meaning to twinflames was expressed here.
A soulmate connection is different from the twin flame. We have only one twin flame, we have many soulmates. Soulmates are life partners, close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the game of third dimension with you. Companion Soulmates are trying to develop the same chakra energy, these are the relationships that are certain family members or friends who are there, when you need them most. True soulmates tend to be harmonious and satisfying, but not as intense as a twinflame but can accomplish great things together as well as a life partnership even when there is negativity or a spiritual confliction in between them, nothing can separate this connection they will always be connected and feel the need to be there for one another.
These closely resemble Twin Flame connections a relationship based on romantic love, however there is still karma between two people and the couple can learn to live for many years together as a beautiful relationship and then there are the types of soulmates who come together for a reason, making some type of impact on a person's life. in some cases the relationship ending in a separation, divorce and later to find there was a reason for it all happening the way it did, keeping in mind not all romantic relationships are True soulmates. Then there is the karmic connection.
The karmic tie may be the tightest of all and begin with the the feeling of unfinished business. This is because the soul has a deep yearning to be free and balancing of mutual karma and a inadequacy of a past life relationship. Yet though they are frequently difficult, these relationships are important in achieving self-mastery with the spiritual path. A Karmic Soul Mate is a soul that we still have karma to deal with between us, now this doesn’t necessarily mean "bad" karma, it can be good karma as well. It's lessons to learn and these relationships have a feeling of unconditional love. Although these people invoke deep feelings (positive or negative) romantic relationship with a Karmic connection hold a feeling of more for lessons and unfinished business, there will always be an area of mystery of why this person entered my life. The couple separates and should share whatever karma is linked to the child. Sometimes the karma is between mother and child, so the child remains exclusively with the mother. Sometimes the karma is with the father and the mother leaves or deceases. Sometimes it is with both parents or with a sibling who has entered the game before or after you.
Frequently asked QuestionsWhat is all this about soulmate love connection or Twin Flames can I actually have one?
Yes there are soulmates, twin flames, whatever you want to call them, but there are also SOULMATE CONNECTIONS. In believing that everything happens for a reason, know that some of the people that come into our Lives are merely there just to teach us a lesson. What's the difference Twin Flame & Soulmate connection?
A soulmate connection would be the divine connection, both Twinflame and Soulmate both have intense energies, Twinflame is the dynamite energy where Soulmate is the Dynamo that is quite powerful but long lasting, there are several types of Soulmates, friendships, family, children even pets. Twinflame is the explosion of energy where Soulmate is the generator energy, that is the difference. How do I know He/She is my twin flame?
Your actual Twin flame is the other half of you soul. Most of the time your Twin flame is not incarnate at the same time as you are, but stays in the Ethers as a guide and a kind of caretaker. Some times however, both you and your Twin flame do incarnate at the same time.. As said this is rare. When it does, however, usually that person is NOT your ideal mate, for good reason... they are difficult to live with, you literal" other half" embodies everything you are and usually reflects EVERYTHING you do not like about your self. This is not easy to live with total chaos you have come to where you are very comfortable with your self for it to work. Most people mistake Twin Flame for their Soulmate. Yes we all have a Twin Flame, soulmates you get together and everything is perfect, Twin flame the always is a chaos, one can be attached, age difference, different locations, or the person has some serious issues and is afraid to open up to the energy because the bond is too intense. What will happen when I do find My Twin Flame?
It will be a Direct bond with this person, so drawn that you can’t let go of the connection even if you never had a relationship or if He/She is not single, that thoughts will be never ending, sometimes for years. Will it lead my life in destruction what do I do?
The connection is very intense and you can feel what they are feeling even apart. Even when there is positive or negative life styles, you will sense this emotion. Sound a little scary? It can be a beautiful and traumatic experience as it sounds, Sometimes people can’t handle this deep Spiritual Bond with a some one and block it, but the Twin Flame is never one sided, the feeling between the two will always remain and will find themselves some way back to their Twin flame when Karma permits, this depends on every one differently. When will it connect? A Twin Flame usually pops up when you LEAST expect it. You will also find yourself coming down the the same symptoms of a "soulmate connection" it's telepathic, hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment. Twin flames come together when they have service work to do on the planet. How do I find My Twin Flame or soulmate?
Keep your spiritual senses clear and focused on yourself Don't spend every second of your free time looking for your soulmate or Twin Flame since, like I said above, the chances of finding him/her are slim. Focus on your goals, your lessons and making your life happy. Just know that In more spiritual patterns and most soulmate connections are really just Past Life connections.What is a past life connection?
There for us for a reason to help us grow spiritually, before we are born in the physical world, our life is with God. and were brought here for a short time to make our choices and destiny for the after life. That after crossing over the first time and many times after we haven't fulfilled what we suppose to do, we have the choice to come back into the physical world to correct our mistakes and grow from them. The whole point to life is learning and experiencing what we want to so when we cross over from the physical world to the Other Side, we won't feel we have to come back. Life on Earth isn't Home, the after life is. If you have ever experienced DejaVu, you know that you've felt like you've been in a certain place, knew someone or had a conversation before that very moment. That is very true. Most likely you knew that person, had that conversation What if my soul mate isn't destined to come into my life for another ten years?
Spiritually all things are linked I find that if you are drawn towards this site, it is often because the time is getting close to when you will meet your true soul mate. Most people who write do find they are due to meet their soul mate or partner in the fairly near future. What is Karma connection?
Karma, put simply, is cause and effect, or action and reaction. The influence of past over present and how actions in a past life, predetermined the conditions in your present life and character. Each life we live shapes our character and our future destiny in a way we seem to have little control over but are entangled with inescapably What is better relationship: soulmate, twin flame or Karma connection?
it doesn't mean that having a relationship with you're twin flame is better than any other spiritual connection, you're spiritual energy knows what is best in a life time, and all are not perfect but in fact equal when it comes to a relationship, with a soulmate it can have their up and downs like non soulmate relationships, but with the soulmate there is a certain bond that can't be broken, with a twin flame, like i said above it is very intense and can make a relationship break and re connect, sometimes years later, with a karma connection, you feel the spiritual energy and want to use it to help the other person with unconditional love and as long as that person is living a happy life and are a part of it what ever way possible that would be the true gift of all. What if there is a confliction with my soulmate connection?
with spirituality, it's very unpredictable and things always happen for a reason, people are sent everyday as messagers just as you are sent to people for a reason, you can't bring some one close if there is a plan for you above, you have to know how to deal and handle the energy not to over dominate you, that you are in control of your own life not others, always remember things happen for a reason and activity spiritually calms and reverses the energy.
What is the spiritual reverse?
when you're soulmate doesn't feel the energy you giving and feel all alone needs to connect, this will bring the relationship into a spiritual reverse, all soulmate connections are 50/50 and the emotions can sometimes take over, but it can reverse that it's not you any more it can be them working the energy around about the relationship.
from: accuratepyschicreader@groups.msn.com