

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Edgar Cayce on Dreams

Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state of being.

According to Edgar Cayce, a renowned psychic and dream interpreter, "Dreams, visions, impressions, to the entity in the normal sleeping state are the presentations of the experiences necessary for the development, if the entity would apply them in the physical life. These may be taken as warnings, as advice, as conditions to be met, conditions to be viewed in a way and manner as lessons, as truths, as they are presented in the various ways and manners"

There are different kinds of dreams. Sometimes we have day dreams, lucid dreams, non-lucid dreams, epic dreams etc. Although there are times they are practically useless, some are manifestation of our inner yearnings and feelings. Those that we tend to keep and "forget" are the ones that popping in our dreams. There is a common dictionary available in the Dream moods but it's best if we can interprete our own. It is afterall subjective in nature.

Here are some Dream Analysis Tips from Edgar Cayce :

  • Keep a notebook beside the bed. Record your dreams as soon as possible after waking.
  • Suggest to yourself every night as you fall asleep, "I will remember my dreams."
  • If you wake during the night, write down the main symbols, and the entire dream will usually come back in the morning.
  • Practice keen observation in your dreams through self-suggestion prior to sleep.
  • Look for these components in your dreams: the setting, the people, the action, the color, the feeling, and the words.
  • Work on analyzing your dreams every day, otherwise their progression will be difficult to assess.
  • If dreams are illogical, three reasons are possible:
    (1) Only the fragments of the dream have been recalled.
    (2) The dream is reflecting something illogical in the dreamer's life.
    (3) Mental blocks have erased your recall.
  • If you are unable to decipher an important dream, suggest to yourself, before your next sleep, that the dream repeat itself more clearly.
  • Nightmares, which bring with them an inability to move or cry out, usually indicate the wrong diet. To end the nightmarish dreams change your diet.
  • Dreams that are unchanged through the years indicate the dreamer's resistance to change.
  • Dreams of ill health can be either literal or symbolic warnings.
  • When a problem confronts you, ask by prayer for guidance to be sent to you through your dreams.
  • Be practical in your interpretations. Always look first for a lesson. What have you refused to face or been ignoring?
  • Observe carefully recurrent dreams, as well as the serially progressive ones. These often illustrate progress or failure.
  • Dreams are the reaction of the inner self to daytime activity and often show the way out of the dilemma. So relate them to current activity, because dreams may be retrospective as well as prospective.
  • Dreams come to guide and help, not to amuse. They direct your attention to errors of omission and commission and offer encouragement for right endeavors. They also give us the opportunity to pray for others and to help them bear their burdens.

  • If you receive an unusual message, reduce it to common terms. See if the symbolism of the Bible can be of help in interpreting the dream.
  • Look for past-life experiences in your dreams. These manifest themselves not only in color, but in the proper costume and setting of their period. They come to warn you against repeating the same old mistakes; to explain your relationship and reactions to certain people and places; to reduce your confusions; to enable you to better understand life.
  • Do not fear conversation with the so-called "dead" in dreams. If the communication is one-sided, it denotes telepathy. If both participate, it may be an actual encounter of bodiless consciousness.
  • Dreams are primarily about self. Only a few dreams relate to family, friends, and world events.
  • Watch for mental telepathy in dreams.
  • Remember, persistence is necessary to learn any new language, and dream symbols are the forgotten language of the subconscious.
  • Give daily thanks to God for all things and use daily prayer to improve the quality and reception of your dreams.

Resource: Edgar Cayce, Sleep, Dream Moods