There is no mistaking the changes and energetic shifts taking place all over this beautiful Planet. Those who have been working on their spiritual paths as Lightworker's waking up to the truth of who and what they really are, know all to well that these changing times referred to by some as the Age of Enlightenment, are radically changing every aspect of their lives and transforming them into the Paradise they have always dreamed of. Despite the doom and gloom our media would rather have us believe and despite whatever is going on around them!!
How is that possible?
For those not yet on the conscious path of ascension, these can feel like scary things indeed. The media does a good job of feeding anyone willing to pay attention all the fear based drama they can stomach. However, when one begins to experience the awakening of the enlightenment within them that has long awaited to burst forth, they are RE-Membering the truth about more than just themselves. The long slumbering multidimensional beings that each and every one of us are returns to the surface of our minds, including remembering the God given ability to discern the truth, create your reality, and remember your soul mission and why you are here on earth at this time.
Thanks to the endless work of the millions of Lightworkers across the globe, the Age of Enlightenment has arrived and those who are ready to walk the path they were created for are waking up to the call within them to seek out the truth and remember their Divinity, their Birthright to an abundant life filled with peace, love and joy!
Each one of us is a Spiritual Being having an Earthly Experience and the time is now to listen to the guidance within you. Those who are ready are being guided from within to RE-Activate their Original Divine Blueprints as they were when they were created and cleared of all the Planetary Crud they have collected just incarnating to a physical body. You have the Divine Inner Power to create the life of your dreams in the midst of life's worst tornado. You just have to re-member what has always been within you by following your inner guidance so that the Age of Enlightenment and your path to ascension is peaceful and harmonious, just the way you have always dreamed. If you can dream it, you can have it as the magnificent co-creator of your life that you are!
Are You Ready for The Age of Enlightenment?
Those who are ready are being guided to connect with YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess, a gifted Intuitive Energy Activator with the ability to connect to your Higher Self and facilitate a Personal Healing Light RE-Activation and Restoration of your Own Original Divinity Codes. The time is now to stand in your power and BE who you REALLY are! The Age of Enlightenment is NOW.
YaMa'EL has helped countless others, including animals to restore their beings back to their Original Divine State of Bliss. Are You being guided to re-connect? To find out more visit YaMa'EL's blog at